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                                      Reynolds Too, the former director and founder of Joy Autism Services has been working in the special needs industry for almost 9 years. Known for his talent in helping out individuals with Autism, Reynolds was often featured in the local media such as The Star, Nora, and various other magazines for his contribution. Reynolds is also often seen volunteering in community projects such as Projek Autisme Masjid (that helps individuals with B40 income group), and talks given to many universities such as University Malaya, SEGi, and Open University of Malaysia.

Reynolds was first interested in understanding individuals with learning disabilities since he was a child. He was diagnosed of ADHD, and had learning difficulties, and often claimed that he causes his parents headache when he was young. By experiencing learning difficulties since he was young, Reynolds could empathize how difficult is it for individuals with learning disability to cope with day to day living and academics. 

Reynolds then managed to overcome his learning barrier and got interested in studying Psychology where he graduated as a valedictorian in Upper Iowa University with a GPA of 3.81. Later, he continued his masters in Open University Malaysia and graduated as the valedictorian once more with a GPA of 3.97. 

Upon getting his degree, Reynolds started working with individuals with Autism, thereby learning Applied Behavior Analysis, and Verbal Behavior therapy from his mentors and consultants from Hong Kong and Singapore. He continued his career path in Malaysia while working with many other local companies that deals with individuals of special needs using the science of Applied Behavior Analysis, thereby honing his skills for countless of hours. 

Reynolds then started with Joy Autism Services, with a vision to serve the community with affordable therapy but his plan was then backfired due to a fallout with his business partner. With his strong values and vision in placed, he then began his journey with his senior Grace to help individuals with Special Needs in Malaysia for an affordable price.

He wrote a book titled “Be Your Own Therapist”, aimed to help parents from the B40 income group, to run therapy at home. Recently he was featured in the OUM Magazine, stating that he believes that “we are the stories we tell ourselves, and that we have to choose our own values and life goals.” As recent as 2020, Reynolds was also offered an honorary PhD, but refused to be called Dr Reynolds by others.

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Growth Special Needs Therapy

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                                      Grace Yuan, the co-founder of Growth Special Needs Therapy has been in the special needs education scene for 10 years now. Renown for her mature techniques in ABA therapy, she was often credited for her ability to help children develop their speech, and prepping them with unique programs for school readiness.


Upon graduating high school, Grace has decided to pursue her studies in Early Childhood Education, where she has honed her techniques in Montessori Education, and found her interest in art and behavioral sciences. She then pursued her diploma in Graphic Design at SEGi University and later obtained a degree in Behavioral Sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Belgium. 


There, she was exposed to the complex science of Applied Behavior Analysis that is being used to help individuals with Autism, ADHD, and also other difficult conditions such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia. 

Grace was often inspired by Skinner in his work of Verbal Behavior, and there she started working in Hong Kong and had improved her ability in understanding the formation of language for children at a very young age. 

With countless of hours spent in therapy, and dealing with individuals with various developmental conditions, Grace has decided to bring her skills back to Malaysia, where she aims to provide affordable scientifically based therapy to individuals with pervasive developmental disorders, such as Autism, and ADHD. Partnering up with her former colleague Reynolds Too, she began her journey in with a mission to bring world class ABA therapy to individuals in Malaysia.


Growth Special Needs Therapy

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